Student Conference
Student Planned. Student Led. Student Voice.
What does the public education system look like to you in the next five years? What about in the next 10 years? How can all of us in District 196 work together to build a school system in which all students have equal access, opportunity and equity in their education? Join us for the inaugural District 196 Student Conference Open Spark Technology Competition and engage in the conversation!
Building on the momentum of the Reimagine Minnesota's "The Student Conference," this conference is also student planned and student led. We want to hear your voice. If it’s about you, it must include you!The planning of our student conference is ongoing, but students will explore and will respond to the following challenges: curriculum; school climate and culture; college and career opportunities; technology; health and wellness; leadership, teachers and staff; athletics and the arts, and more!
Open Spark Technology Competition
Your input is vital to the success of our student conference, and we need you to help us plan it! To do this, we are challenging students to think critically about the future of education and share their ideas by participating in the Open Spark Technology Competition! This competition is designed and facilitated by high school students in District 196, and will a highlight event during the upcoming conference.
Wednesday, May 19
The Open Spark Technology Competition will be celebrated on Wednesday, May 19 based on the results of the vote. We need your voice to decide! Please check back for the announcement of the winners.
VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE PROJECT by 11:59 p.m., Tuesday, May 18
Step 1: View all Open Spark Technology projects.
Step 2: Select the top three projects that you resonate most with. Also, select the top project that you believe meets the highest rating in the Challenge Parameter Goal.
Step 3: All voting must be complete by 11:59 p.m., Tuesday, May 18.
Contact your school for additional support or questions for resources needed to help you with your project. All other questions, contact Carita Green at
Dave Schmitz, Area Learning Center
Jodi Hanson, Eastview High School
Veronica Ramos, Cultural Family Advocate
Paul Tinder, Apple Valley High School
Alix Grande, Apple Valley High School
Calvin Keasling, Rosemount High School
Will Finley, Rosemount High School
Stacy Jameson, Eagan High School
Susan Olsen, Eagan High School
Lauren Trainer, School of Environmental Studies