Health Services
Healthy students are successful students
Our school staff provide a variety of services that support a healthy learning community. We are committed to providing students with health conditions access to their education by facilitating their independence and creating a community of support by working collaboratively with the student, their family and district staff. School nurses promote optimal student health for optimal learning.
Establish healthy habits early to ensure your child’s success
Instilling healthy habits and routines (adequate sleep/nutrition) and consistent attendance ensures a student’s success in school even as early as kindergarten. We know that too many absences/tardies, for whatever reason, can cause children to fall behind both academically and socially.
To help ensure healthy habits consult with your health care provider regarding well-visits and immunizations, as well as maintain good hygiene.
District 196 follows guidance from leading health organizations (i.e. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Minnesota Department of Health, American Academy of Pediatrics) to reduce the spread of communicable disease.
When unsure if your child should attend school, consult with a healthcare provider or contact your school nurse.
Children should stay home from school for the following reasons:
- Fever of 100.4 or higher - can return when fever free for 20 hours without fever reducing medication.
- Strep throat - can return after 12 hours of antibiotics and fever free for 20 hours without fever reducing medication.
- Vomiting or diarrhea (without a known reason) - can return 20 hours after last episode.
- Rash (without a known reason) with behavior change or fever of 100.4 or greater.
- Excessive coughing that persists and makes it difficult to participate in school.
- Not healthy enough to participate in routine school activities.
If a child becomes ill at school and needs to go home:
- The school nurse will call guardians listed in the child’s Infinite Campus record. Please update your contact information as needed, including emergency contacts.
- Students who are ill need to be picked up as soon as possible to prevent the spread of illness.
Guidance on other common health issues:
Pink eye guidance (conjunctivitis)
- There is no exclusion for pink eye unless the child has a fever of 100.4 or higher and/or is not healthy enough to participate in school activities (consult a health care provider for eye pain or reduced/blurry vision/recent eye trauma).
Head lice guidance (pediculus humanus capitis)
- There are no exclusions from school for head lice. While notifying your child's school is encouraged, it is not required.
- Notifications may be sent home with 3 or more known cases of head lice in a classroom within 1 month.
- Head lice is a common occurrence, is not related to personal cleanliness and has not been shown to spread at school.
- Parents/guardians are encouraged to regularly monitor for lice.
- If live lice are found at school, resources for treatment will be shared with parents/guardians.
- District Head Lice Information Sheet
Guidance on air quality and outdoor activity:
District 196 follows the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Air Quality and Outdoor Activity Guidance for Schools to determine adjustments needed. The CDC recommends that children get 60 or more minutes of physical activity each day. School administrators will work with their building nurse to:
- Reduce risk by modifying activities based on the EPA guidance
- Educate students and staff about risks and symptoms to watch for
- Be proactive in identifying individuals that could benefit from medication prior to activity when ordered, and
- Quickly identify those experiencing symptoms so they can receive first aid treatment.
Community Clinics
We are fortunate to have community the Diamondhead Clinic in Dakota County to support children and families who are in need of minor and routine health care services. You may consider this clinic if you are looking for routine physicals, sports or camp physicals, initial mental health screenings, and other basic health care needs. All families welcome regardless of insurance status.
EHS Nurse: Nicole Palmer
The health office is located in the attendance office area. The nurse’s office hours are 7am-3:00pm. The school nurse is available to coordinate and provide care for our students; Any student who is ill or in need of first aid should see the nurse.
• Students must have a pass from their teacher before reporting to the health office, unless it is an emergency. If a student wants to come to the health office between classes, he/she must obtain a pass from the teacher of the next hour’s class.
• Students may not leave school or arrange for their own ride home without first reporting to the nurse. The school nurse will assess the illness and call if necessary. If this procedure is not followed, the absence will be considered unexcused and the possibility of a disciplinary action may follow.
Please remember that when students are sick, they are required to report to the Health Office prior to being released from school. There is a student phone located there to facilitate timely communication with parents and the nurse. A parent or guardian MUST release a student by phone or in person, before the student can leave the building.