Voicemail 651-683-6915
Attendance Office 651-683-6911
To report a student absence:
1. Complete the online form,
2. Call the EHS Attendance Office at 651-683-6911 during the school day or 651-683-6915 to reach the voicemail,
3. Send a note with the student to be delivered to the Attendance Office upon return to school.
*If an absence has not been reported, it will be deemed “unexcused” after 48 hours.
*Absences due to illness are excused for up to 10 days. A doctor’s note is required after 10 absences due to illness.
· Full Day Absence, call BEFORE 1:00 pm using the Attendance Voicemail Number: 651-683-6911
· Partial Day Absence (late arrival or early release) send a note with your student or call 683-6911 or for voice mail 651-683-6915
· Students must have an EHS yellow attendance pass before leaving the building
· Insist that your student ask teachers for make-up work the day they return---they are responsible for all learning while they are absent!
· For all other attendance issues, please call the EHS Attendance Office at 651-683-6911
ATTENDANCE MATTERS: Being Present Every Day at EHS
At Eagan High School, our primary focus this year is ensuring that students are in class, and engaged every day and that every absence is reported.
EHS students and their families need to know and follow the Attendance Policy for the 2024-25 school year, especially regarding unknown OR unexcused absences.
Expectation – Excessive absences may have adverse consequences due to the inability of students to keep up with course assignments, activities, assessments, etc. Except for the school-authorized and verified absences noted below, high school students are expected to attend every class every day.
Upon ONE (1) unexcused absence from any class period, families will receive an automated phone call informing them of the absence.
Upon SEVEN (7) absences from any single class period, the student meets with a principal to discuss chronic absences, identify any barriers to attendance/reporting absences, establish a monitoring plan, and clarify that further absences will result in a family meeting at 10 absences and may result in a "No Credit" (NC) mark on the report card at 15 absences to any single class period. Detention is assigned for unexcused absences (R&R if not completed).
Upon TEN (10) absences from any single class period, the student and parent/guardian will meet with a principal to develop a continued plan for reducing absences (support groups for students and families, mentoring, tutoring, and housing/food security support), with the understanding that upon the 15th absence, the student will receive an NC ("No Credit") mark on their report card. Additional consequences may include detention, in-school suspension, loss of student privileges, potential ineligibility for activities/athletics, and a referral for truancy. A doctor’s note will also be expected for future absences AFTER ten excused absences.
Upon FIFTEEN (15) absences from any single class period, students will receive an NC ("No Credit") mark on their report card for that class if they earn a passing grade (students not earning a passing grade will receive an F). No credit will be awarded at that time. Still, credit may be earned through the successful completion of an Attendance Improvement Plan to be monitored in the subsequent trimester, credit recovery, or by enrolling in a future course. Credits may be recovered in either Eagan Academy (after school) or Summer School; the original NC will remain on the student’s transcript, but the recovered credit will also be listed (with a grade of P for pass) and count toward graduation requirements.
REMINDER: Health Alert - Students who are ill or injuredIt is the school's policy that any student who is ill or injured and needs to go home must check out with the school nurse. Students need a pass to leave school and parents need to be aware that their son or daughter is ill or injured. If a student leaves campus without a pass from the nurse, a parent or guardian note or call later will result in an unexcused absence for the student. Students who need a ride home can be met at an agreed upon exit. Parents DO NOT need to come into the building to sign out the student.
Attendance Information
- Attendance Policy
- Types of Absences
- Student Academic Success and Attendance
- Attendance Protocol: Our Support Plan or Absences
- Pre-Planned Absence Procedure