Parent Involvement Program
- Parents are their children's first and foremost teachers.
- Parents are an integral and mandatory part of successful students and successful schools.
- Parents and Schools need to develop and maintain positive relationships.
At Eagan High School, we want to provide information and assistance that will enable parents to maintain an ongoing dialogue with their children about school, growing up, and about their futures. We want to help families build positive home environments that support learning and healthy lifestyles.
With all these thoughts in mind, we offer several opportunities for parents to become aware of and involved with Eagan High School. We look forward to working with you.
If you’d like to be contacted for opportunities, or to find out more about the Volunteer program, contact Ms. Sue McNamara, our Volunteer Coordinator. Sue can be reached at (651) 683-6969 VM# 5556, and will be available for volunteer sign-up at our Orientation.
Contact: Angie Harteneck - angela.harteneck@district196.org