Student Organizations
EHS Student Organizations
- Ambassadors
- Creative Writing Club
- French Club
- German Club
- High Schools Against Cancer
- Interact Club
- Link Crew
- Multicultural Student Union
- National Art Honor Society
- National Business Honor Society (NBHS)
- National Honor Society
- SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions
- Spanish Club
- Spectrum
- Student Council
- Unified Club
- World Languages Honor Society
Creative Writing Club
Lissi Corbett -
Remind: text @ehswrite to 81010
Discord server:
Come write with us! You don't have to be a great writer to have a good time. We have prompts and tandem story writing, and we can help you expand your writing abilities. We pass pens, not judgment, so don't be shy! Be weird, have fun, and write, write, write!
French Club
German Club
High Schools Against Cancer
The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based
voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a
major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and
diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education,
advocacy, and service.
American Cancer Society High Schools Against Cancer is a
nationwide collaboration of high school students, faculty, and staff
dedicated to eliminating cancer by initiating and supporting
American Cancer Society programs in high school communities.
Stop by room 138 at EHS to see Mr. Carlson if you have any questions or would like to be a part of this student group!
Interact Club
Link Crew
The 24-25 application is now open. The deadline is April 5, 2024 at 11:59pm. Please complete the form below to apply. If students have any questions, see Mr. Snobeck, Ms. Catchpool, Mr. Pritzl, Ms. Downing or Ms. Haus.
Link Crew Application
Link Crew is a high school transition program that welcomes freshmen and makes them feel comfortable throughout the first year of their high school experience. Built on the belief that students can help students succeed, Link Crew trains members of the junior and senior class to be Link Leaders. As positive role models, Link Leaders are motivators, leaders and teachers who guide the freshmen to discover what it takes to be successful during the transition to high school.
Link Crew increases freshmen success; more and more studies are showing that if students have a positive experience their first year in high school, their chances for success are exponential. The Link Crew high school transition program provides the structure for freshmen to receive support and guidance from juniors and seniors who have been through the challenges that high school poses, and understand that the transition to a larger school can sometimes be overwhelming.
Link Crew's goal is to provide your schools with a structure in which students make real connections with each other. Through this program, students learn that people at school care about them and their success. Link Crew is the high school transition program that will increase attendance, decrease discipline referrals and improve academic performance at your school.
Yearlong connections make Link Crew effective; a 1998 study cited by the National Association of Secondary School Principals found that 6-8 contacts in a year are necessary in order to establish a relationship that truly makes a difference. The Link Crew freshman transition program provides your school with the structured formula that makes it possible to maintain yearlong connections that affect change on your campus.
Beyond Orientation
Academic Follow Ups, give Link Leaders the opportunity to visit freshmen classes several times throughout the year. During these visits, Link Leaders teach structured lessons on topics such as using your available resources, time management, and achieving excellence. The power of these Follow Up Lessons comes from the fact that younger students are learning from the older students who have had a variety of experiences, successes and challenges.
Social Follow Ups are organized social events in which Link Leaders and freshmen reconnect several times a year in order to strengthen the relationships that were established at orientation. Social Follow Ups are organized and facilitated by the coordinator, in conjunction with the leaders, and may include activities such as going to school sporting events, eating lunches together, or attending a campus movie night.
Leader Initiated Contacts happen outside of the structured activities and are another way for Link Leaders and their freshmen to connect. Link Leaders make personal contact with their freshmen through phone calls and visits on campus in order to develop the personal relationship that will allow the Leader to be a support throughout the year.
Link Crew lives on your campus, supporting the freshmen throughout the year, in more than these three ways. The Link Crew freshman transition program also guides freshmen toward academic and social success in high school by providing structures for tutoring, acknowledgement of student achievement and peer counseling.
Multicultural Student Union
National Art Honor Society
Advisor - Stephanie Molstre-Kotz -
Beyond Curriculum - National Art Honor Society
Art extends beyond the classroom at EHS, through the National Art Honor
Society (NAHS), an honor and service organization sponsored by the National
Art Education Association. EHS and its two sister schools host three of
the dozen or so Minnesota chapters of NAHS. Students become members of NAHS
by invitation, having met national standards. A few examples of NAHS activities
include the following:
- Painting an exterior mural at Glacier Hills Elementary School
- Painting of advertisements for the baseball outfield wall
- Doing backdrops and set paintings for various EHS television and theater
productions, including Encore" and "Music Man" - Teaching at the Zoo
- Visiting the St. Olaf College Art department during their High School
Arts Day - Attending a workshop at Minneapolis College of Art and Design as part
of the Scholastic Arts Awards Program - Wall painting at the Eagan Ice Arena and at the Eagan Police Department
- Face painting at a variety of community events
NAHS students love to share their enthusiasm and talent in Art and welcome
opportunities to serve the community. Each year the students raise scholarship
money to be offered, through the Eagan Foundation, to one NAHS student who
plans to pursue a career in Art. Students may earn an EHS letter in Art
by accumulating NAHS service hours.
National Business Honor Society (NBHS)
The object and purposes of the NBEA National Business Honor Society (NBHS), is to: promote and recognize academic achievement in business education at Eagan High School; foster and recognize leadership skills and character development; help members grow ethically and socially by promoting and encouraging an interest in business; and encourage member involvement in service learning initiatives.
To apply for NBHS – Students must be a junior or senior. They must have completed or be currently enrolled in their third business course. They must have a minimum standard GPA, on a 4.0 scale, as follows: business courses average-3.5; overall average‑3.0. Once accepted, students will pay a $20 initiation fee. Applications are accepted during January and February – watch for Schoology messages.
National Honor Society
Erin Thompson -
Oliva Gesk -
EHS National Honor Society tracks hours on InnerView
Important Information about NHS Service/Volunteer Hours:
NHS members are required to complete 12 hours of approved service/volunteer hours each trimester, totaling 36 hours per year. Students are able to accumulate 5 hours of community service over the summer which can count toward their 12 fall trimester hours. Please be aware that these hours must be separate from any required service related to other organizations of which you may be a member.
Information for Applicants
The application process for National Honor Society will begin in April 2025 for the 2024-2025 school year.
Sophomores (and Juniors who are not current members) who have a GPA of 3.8 will be invited by their school email address to apply for membership.
Sophomore students who have Honors Status and a 3.6 or better Cumulative GPA (at least ten Honors/AP courses on the transcript, with a grade of C or better as the minimum) and Junior students who have Honors Status and a 3.6 or better Cumulative GPA (16 or more AP/Honors/CIS courses with a grade of C or better on their transcript) will also receive an invitation to make their case to be inducted. This invitation will be sent via school email as soon as grades can be calculated by the registrar. We anticipate the SOONEST we will receive this information is April 15th, 2025. Applicants will be invited to come to a voluntary information session where they will receive the application information. Applications will be due near the end of April or early May, and students will be notified of their status in early May. Those who are selected to be inducted must attend the Induction Ceremony on Monday, May 19, 2025. If you are interested in applying, please wait for the invitation for further instructions.
All eligible NHS applicants must document 24 hours of community service between the previous summer (June 2024) and the application deadline (approximately April 2025). If you anticipate qualifying for membership based on GPA, you must complete these hours to be considered for acceptance. Please be aware that these hours must be separate from any required service related to other organizations of which you may be a member.
NHS Policies
NHS members are expected to uphold all of the qualities of an outstanding NHS member at all times. All members are required to remain in good standing academically with a cumulative GPA of 3.8, or cumulative GPA of 3.6 with Honor Status. They are required to be leaders in the school and the community and maintain good character at all times. Finally, members are required to complete service activities within the school and community.
Induction: TBD |
SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions
New members are always welcome! Meetings are planned as the school year continues. Please stop in Room 127 to see Mrs. Iverson if you have any questions. Also check out SADD's National website at to learn more about the group.
Spanish Club
We are involved in many fun cultural and linguistic activities. Come by and check us out!
Student Council
Faculty Advisors
Ms. Julia Comer -
Mr. Paul Kovach -
Mr. Ryan Hauenstein -
Student Council is responsible for numerous events throughout the school year. Below is a list of annual events by month. Many events are added as they come up throughout the year, so this list is subject to change.
To be a member, you must fill out both of the forms below and subscribe to our remind account.
- ISD 196 Non-Fee Activity Participation Form
- Join our REMIND: Text "@ehs-gov" to 81010
September |
October |
April |
May |
Unified Club
World Languages Honor Society
The Eagan High School World Languages Honor Society is an honor society which recognizes and celebrates high achievement in language study at the secondary level.
Eagan High School World Languages students may apply for membership in the World Languages Honor Society after two years of high school study. Interested students must meet academic requirements and submit an application for acceptance including a personal essay. Applications will be reviewed by members of the Eagan High School Faculty and final decisions will be made by the World Languages Faculty. The cost of membership is a one-time fee of $15. New members will be initiated in a formal ceremony. Family members of initiates are invited to attend. Your teacher will provide further details in the spring.
Academic Requirements
The World Languages Honor Society member has and maintains a...
-3.2 GPA in World Language courses.
-3.0 GPA overall.
And is...
-a junior or senior currently enrolled in a level 3, 4, or 5 language course.
-registered for a World Languages course next year.
The World Languages Honor Society member...
-exhibits a sincere interest and enthusiasm for language learning.
-takes risks in communicating in another language both in and outside the classroom.
-takes advantage of opportunities to use another language (both orally and in writing) outside of the classroom.
The World Languages Honor Society member...
-displays a sincere appreciation for other cultures.
-is open-minded and accepting of cultural differences.
-shows concern for what is happening in the world.
-makes an effort to be part of activities and events in the community that involve other languages and cultures.
Personal Qualities
The World Languages Honor Society member...
-respects the rights and dignity of all people.
-represents the high standards of the EHS World Languages Department.
-puts forth his/her best in language study.
-demonstrates leadership qualities.
-accepts responsibility.
-works well with others.
-is optimistic and enthusiastic.
-shows respect toward others.
-is a positive role model.
April 7, 2025 - Information is provided to students.
April 14, 2025 - Applications are due using the application link provided to you by your teacher.
April 21, 2025 - Students are notified of the results of their applications.
May 7, 2025 - EHS World Language Honor Society induction ceremony. Your attendance is REQUIRED.