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Sept. 30 -Oct. 5, 2024

Homecoming Dance Ticket Purchase
Homecoming Guest Form
Form must be filled out by a ISD 196 student

2024 Homecoming Events

Graphic Showing Hoco Dress-up days for Mon-Fri

Dress Up Days:

Mon 9/30: Monochrome Day (Wear all one color)
Tues 10/1: Zoom Day (Business up top. Jammies/shorts on bottom)
Wed 10/2: Twin Day (Not Minnesota Twins)
Thurs 10/3: Eagan Out
Mon 10/7: PJ Day/Comfy Day (Wear your PJ's and comfy clothes)

Wildcat Blitz (Monday-Wednesday • Sept. 30-Oct. 2) We will be sending students to our feeder elementary schools to spend time with future Wildcats. The principals at these schools are very excited and are welcoming us into their buildings with open arms. 

EHS Activity Fair (Monday-Wednesday • Sept. 30-Oct. 2)
In an effort to get more students at EHS involved in activities, we are proud to present the EHS activity fair during all lunches.  We currently have over 30 groups represented. The first purpose of the Activity Fair is to get more students involved by showing them the opportunities they have at EHS. Research has demonstrated that student involvement in co-curricular activities leads to stronger connections and success for students. The second purpose of the fair is to get more students involved with Homecoming. We are anticipating three very exciting days!!!

October 1, 6:30 PM - Flag Football - Stadium
The Girls Flag Football game will take place on Tuesday, Oct 1 at 6:30pm in the stadium. All proceeds will benefit Dakota Woodlands, a shelter for families experiencing homelessness in Dakota County. Tickets will be sold at the door: Adults: $5 Students: $3

October 3, 6-9 PM - Dodgeball Tournament - All Gyms
The event is Thursday, October 3rd from 6-9 PM in the gym. Last year over 70 teams entered, and there are prizes (TBD) for the winners. There's male, female, and open divisions, and teams can have 6-10 players. Registration forms are in the counseling office, the entry fee is 35$ per team, and they can be turned back into the office, or they will be collected during lunch.

October 3, 1:45 PM - High School PEPFEST

October 4 - NO SCHOOL for Students
October 4, 7:00 PM - Football Game vs Farmington
One of the highlights of Fall Trimester  “Homecoming Week” is the the Homecoming Varsity Football Game vs. Farmington H.S. on Friday, October 4th at 7:00 p.m
Purchase Game Tickets through Vanco.

October 5, 8:00-11:00 PM - Homecoming Dance
The Homecoming Dance will be located in the EHS Gym. $10 per person, Semi Formal.
8-11PM. No re-entry if you leave the dance.
Freshmen are encouraged to participate! No dates are required for the Homecoming Dance. Student ID's are shown for admission. There will be an opportunity to sign up guests for approval - all guests must be high school students in District 196. Homecoming Guest Form (Form must be filled out by a ISD 196 student) Purchase Tickets Here