Educating scholars for the college and career readiness
Eagan High School students have the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of outstanding courses. The core curriculum for high school students is closely aligned with state standards and includes math, science, social studies and English language arts. Students also have the opportunity to choose classes from a variety of elective areas beyond the core content areas, which are also aligned to state and national standards.
All curriculum is reviewed regularly through a districtwide curricular review process. We are committed to preparing future citizens who have infinite possibilities to thrive!
- Student Records
- Schedule Change Guidelines
- Grade Reports and Changes
- Postsecondary Enrollment Option (PSEO)
- Failures and Incompletes
- Final Exams
- Makeup Policy
- Student, Teacher and Parent Responsibilities
- Honor Code
- Plagiarism
- Honor Education
- Consequences
Student Records
RECORDS Student records are maintained in the Counseling Office. Confidential records will be protected as required by school policy and law.
The following individuals may see students records:
• Parents or legal guardians of minor students.
• Minor or adult students wishing to view their own records.
• Staff members of ISD 196 school who have an educational responsibility for an individual student.
Colleges, vocational schools, employers, social agencies and police may have access to records only with the written permission of adult students, parents, legal guardians or upon subpoena by a court order.
Schedule Change Guidelines
SCHEDULE CHANGE GUIDELINES As a result of the carefully developed scheduling process, it is unlikely that students will be allowed to change their schedules. However, in the event of an unusual need to change a class schedule, students should request a change form from the Guidance and Counseling Office.
All schedule changes are subject to parent and principal approval and class availability.
Late schedule changes will not be accepted unless a student with extenuating circumstances makes a request. Absences are carried over from the old to the new classes. Approval by the assistant principal and parent is necessary to accomplish the change. A student who has been denied a schedule change may drop a course with a grade of F and be assigned to a structured (9/10) study hall. Parent permission is required to do so.
Grade Reports and Changes
In addition to the grades of A, B, C, D and F, the following grade options are available.
I - Incomplete. This is for the student who has not completed ALL work, due to poor attendance, lack of sufficient effort despite adequate ability level on the part of the student and/or other intervening circumstances. Because Eagan High School believes good attendance and good effort are required for a passing grade, our policy has been to assign a grade of I (Incomplete) to the students who fail to measure up to individual expectations. This grade prevents the D- reward for such behavior, but still allows the student opportunity to redeem the grade. If the students meet the work expectations (quantity and quality) for the course, by the deadline, the grade can be changed to an appropriate letter grade. See “Failures and Incompletes.”
P - This indicates a passing grade (with credit) for students who elect to take a course on a Grade/Pass Option basis. It is also used for courses "made up" successfully in Eagan Academy or summer school.
NC - This indicates a failing grade (no credit) for students who elect to take a course on a Grade/Pass basis and for those who have lost credit in the course due to attendance problems. It is also used for students who enrolled late in the course.
NG - This indicates that the student remained in the class, attended classes, completed required work and remained in good standing.
GRADE/PASS OPTION A student at Eagan High School may take one class per trimester on a “Grade/Pass Option” basis. During the first 20 days of class, the student must obtain a “Grade/Pass Option” form from the office and return this signed slip to the Counseling Office. “Grade/Pass Option” applications will NOT be accepted after the first 20 days of class. All “Grade/Pass Option” students in any course will take all tests, turn in all regular classwork, and receive grades along with other students. Only the final mark is a “Pass” or “No-Credit” mark. The subject taken on a “Grade/Pass Option” basis will not be averaged into a student’s GPA or honor roll standing. A special feature of the “Grade/Pass Option” allows a student to convert from a “Grade/Pass Option" to a final letter grade. Students must notify their teacher on the last day of class that trimester of their choice. If a student is taking a class on this basis and is removed from class, the student will receive a grade of “F” for the course and be assigned to structured study hall for the rest of the trimester.
Marking System
A = 4.00 | D+ = 1.300 |
A- = 3.700 | D = 1.000 |
B+ = 3.300 | D- = 0.700 |
B = 3.000 | F = 0.000 |
B- = 2.700 | |
C+ = 2.300 | P = Pass |
C = 2.000 | NC = No Credit |
C- =1.700 | NG = No Grade |
The mark point average (MPA) is computed by the following procedure:
multiply the number of grades by their value, sum and divide by the number of grades.
For example: suppose a student received an 1 A, 2 B’s and 3 C’s one trimester.
(1 x 4.0) + (2 x 3.0) + (3 x 2.0) = 4.0 + 6.0 + 6.0 = 16.
6 (credits attempted) 16 (mark points)
Mark Point Average = 2.666
GRADE CHANGE Changes in the final grade occur only when a clerical or calculation mistake has taken place. The Counseling Office, in conjunction with the teacher, will handle appeals of this nature.
Postsecondary Enrollment Option (PSEO)
Junior and senior students who are considering enrolling in the PSEOP should click here to learn about the program’s options and requirements. NO PSEOP credits will be accepted at EHS without a signed agreement between the students, parent(s) and the principal or principal’s designee. Diplomas will be issued only after PSEOP grades and books are turned in at EHS. Parking permits for EHS are not guaranteed to PSEOP students.
Failures and Incompletes
When a student is having academic difficulty in a class, the teacher should be consulted for assistance. It is also suggested that the student inform his/her counselor of the problem, especially if grades in more than one class are being affected.
Students who fail a required class must see their counselor without delay to make arrangements for repeating the course. Failure to make up required courses will jeopardize a student’s graduation. The advice of the school counselor should be sought in deciding which classes should be repeated and where substitute credits are acceptable.
Incomplete grades are assigned at the discretion of the teacher to those students who have not successfully completed required class assignments/expectations or met the required outcomes during the trimester. When students receive an incomplete grade, they should see their teacher as soon as possible to arrange for needed make-up work and hand it in on time. The deadline for making up an incomplete grade is the end of the 3rd week (15 school days) into the next trimester. Incomplete grades that are not made up will result in failure for the course and, as a result, loss of credit. No separate report card/notification is issued for completion of incompletes. The final grade is recorded on following trimester’s report card and on the official transcript.
Marking System
A = 4.00 | D+ = 1.300 |
A- = 3.700 | D = 1.000 |
B+ = 3.300 | D- = 0.700 |
B = 3.000 | F = 0.000 |
B- = 2.700 | |
C+ = 2.300 | P = Pass |
C = 2.000 | NC = No Credit |
C- =1.700 | NG = No Grade |
The mark point average (MPA) is computed by the following procedure:
multiply the number of grades by their value, sum and divide by the number of grades.
For example: suppose a student received an 1 A, 2 B’s and 3 C’s one trimester.
(1 x 4.0) + (2 x 3.0) + (3 x 2.0) = 4.0 + 6.0 + 6.0 = 16.
6 (credits attempted) 16 (mark points)
Mark Point Average = 2.666
Final Exams
FINAL EXAMS Final exams and graded culminating activities are held at the end of each trimester during two final exam days. Two-hour blocks of time will be scheduled for most classes. A schedule for those exams will be:
1st Day: Hours 1, PAWS, 3, 5, 7.
2nd Day: Hours 2, PAWS, 4, 5, 6.
Final exams will not be given early for any reason. Students absent during finals will arrange to make them up as soon as possible with their teachers. If they are not completed by the time a grade must be reported, an Incomplete my be recorded.
Final Exams Day Schedule:
Period 1 or 2 7:40 - 9:05
PAWS 9:15 - 9:40
Period 3 or 4 9:45 - 11:05
Period 5 11:10 - 1:05
A Lunch 11:05 – 11:35
(Class 11:40 - 1:05)
B Lunch 11:30 – 12:00
(Class 11:10 – 11:30 and 12:05 - 1:05)
C Lunch 12:10 – 12:40
(Class 11:10 - 12:10 and 12:45 - 1:05)
D Lunch 12:35 - 1:05
(Class 11:10 - 12:35)
If you eat A lunch on Day 1, You eat B lunch on Day 2
If you eat B lunch on Day 1, You eat A lunch on Day 2
If you eat C lunch on Day 1, you eat D lunch on Day 2
If you eat D lunch on Day 1, you eat C lunch on Day 2
Period 7 or 6 1:10 – 2:30
Makeup Policy
Attendance in class is strongly related to a student’s participation and grades. Class absences necessitate make-up work which, if not completed on time, may lead to failure or incomplete grades. Students generally have two days per day of absence in which to turn in make-up work which was assigned during their absence. Students are not exempted from assignments or test deadlines assigned prior to their absence. The teacher must be consulted by the student with respect to absences from class and required make-up of work assigned.
REGISTRATION Course registration plans for the following school year will be given to students and parents early in the winter trimester. Students are encouraged to plan ahead for a four-year plan of course selection. Registration is done “on-line” at EHS.
Consequences (not limited to the ones mentioned and may be assigned in combination)
1. Students involved in cheating may receive a “0” (no credit) on the test/assignment in question.
2. Students involved in plagiarism of a paper/assignment may receive a “0” (no credit). Students may be required to resubmit the assignment in order to be eligible to successfully pass the course.
3. Parent(s) will be informed and a notation of the violation will be placed in the student’s discipline records.
4. Students may be removed from the course with an “F” grade.
5. Scholarship, leadership and honors opportunities may be denied.
6. National Honor Society membership and LINK Crew membership may be revoked or denied.
7. Letters of recommendation may be denied or revoked.
The Honors Status is designed to:
Recognize students who take a significant number of Advanced Placement (AP) College in the Schools (CIS) or Honors courses.
Encourage students to enroll in the most challenging courses.
Provide a “with Honors”addition to the Graduation Recognition.
Honors Status Qualification
To qualify for Honors Status at Eagan High School, students must meet the following criteria:
1. Students must complete at least 24 trimester courses of Advanced Placement (AP) College in the Schools (CIS) or Honors courses (from the list that follows) throughout grades 9-12.
2. Students must successfully complete each course with a grade of C or better.
3. The Grade/Pass option of “P” will not count as an honors course for this designation.
Student, Teacher and Parent Responsibilities
Student responsibilities include: conscientious effort in school work and activities; respect for the rights of other students, school staff and school visitors; and adherence to a cooperation in upholding local, state and federal laws, and district and school policies, rules and regulations. Most of all, students share with the administration and staff the responsibility of establishing and maintaining a safe, stimulating and productive learning environment.
A major student responsibility is regular attendance. Many studies correlate regular attendance with success in school. Regular attendance means that the academic learning process is not interrupted, less time is spent on make-up assignments, and students benefit from participation and interaction with others in class. Establishing a pattern of good attendance will benefit the student in school and the workplace.
Each student has a responsibility to:
1. not participate, either directly or indirectly in cheating or plagiarism;
2. actively discourage cheating or plagiarism or cheating;
3. report any known incidents of plagiarism or cheating;
4. abide by the Honor Code.
Teacher Responsibilities
Each teacher has a responsibility to:
1. inform students of the Eagan High School cheating/plagiarism policy and of any specific interpretation of the policy unique to a given course;
2. actively discourage cheating and plagiarism by students;
3. contact parents/guardians of a student involved in cheating and/or plagiarism.
4. document the behavior in student records.
Parent Responsibilities
Each parent has a responsibility to:
1. actively support the EHS Honor Code.
2. educate his/her child about academic integrity.
Honor Code
THE HONOR CODE - Academic Integrity Policy
Academic integrity on the part of all students is basic to the individual growth and development realized through Eagan High School coursework. When cheating or plagiarism occurs, the teaching/learning process and school climate are seriously undermined and student growth and development is compromised. Cheating and/or plagiarism also prevent the teacher from truly evaluating the student’s level of mastery.
Cheating: presenting as your own the work of another, using someone else’s work, words and/or ideas and claiming them as your own. Some examples of cheating include, but are not limited to the following:
1. copying and/or providing for another person an examination, assignment or other work to be graded;
2. the use of unauthorized “cheat sheets” or electronic retrieval devices (calculators, cell phones, computer, etc.);
3. buying/selling examinations, tests, papers.
4. having another student take an exam, write a paper or assignment for you;
5. receiving and/or providing test questions/answers prior to or after taking examination.
Plagiarism: a form of cheating; taking another’s words, thoughts or ideas and representing them as your own. Some examples of plagiarism include but are not limited to the following:
1. using all or part of another’s speech, paper or ideas as your own;
2. using a direct quote without citing the source;
3. copying a passage word for word and not using quotation marks;
4. substituting words or rearranging the phrasing of a passage without indicating that changes have been made;
5. rearranging the order of sentences or ideas from the original passage and presenting it as your own;
6. not acknowledging or documenting sources.
Honor Education
The Honors Staus is designed to:
Recognize students who take a significant number of Advanced Placement (AP) College in the Schools (CIS) or Honors courses.
Encourage students to enroll in the most challenging courses.
Provide a “with Honors”addition to the Graduation Recognition.
Honors Status Qualification
To qualify for Honors Status at Eagan High School, students must meet the following criteria:
1. Students must complete at least 24 trimester courses of Advanced Placement (AP) College in the Schools (CIS) or Honors courses (from the list that follows) throughout grades 9-12.
2. Students must successfully complete each course with a grade of C or better.
3. The Grade/Pass option of “P” will not count as an honors course for this designation.
Consequences (not limited to the ones mentioned and may be assigned in combination)
1. Students involved in cheating may receive a “0” (no credit) on the test/assignment in question.
2. Students involved in plagiarism of a paper/assignment may receive a “0” (no credit). Students may be required to resubmit the assignment in order to be eligible to successfully pass the course.
3. Parent(s) will be informed and a notation of the violation will be placed in the student’s discipline records.
4. Students may be removed from the course with an “F” grade.
5. Scholarship, leadership and honors opportunities may be denied.
6. National Honor Society membership and LINK Crew membership may be revoked or denied.
7. Letters of recommendation may be denied or revoked.